Friday, December 25, 2009

The Best Christmas EVER!

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!!! Our first Christmas was more than we could ever imagine! Even though Whitley is too little to open gifts, she was still showered with so much love and fun toys to grow into in the next year. We got a camcorder (woopwoop!) and I got 2 new lens for my camera, but my favorite gift was from Dusty. He ordered this necklace for me except it has Whit's name on it instead ;)

Here's a few pics to share with you of of first Christmas! Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy 1 month birthday Whitley!!

Sweet Girl,

I can't believe its been 31 days since we welcomed you into this world. You are growing more and more each day. The bigger you get the more I cherish you snuggling up on my chest and falling asleep in my arms, because I know that wont last forever. In the blink of an eye, you will be walking and talking, and gaining your own sense of innocent independence. Mama and Daddy can't remember what life was life without you. You have filled a hole in our hearts that we didnt even know existed.

It seems like you are going through a growth spurt this week because you're eating alot more frequent and sleeping alot more that usual, but you still go down for bed at around 11 and then wake up anywheres from 2-3 to eat again, and then back down till around 5:30-6. You just made the move to size 1 diapers, but you're is still mostly in newborn clothes. We go for our one month check up on Friday, and I can't wait to see how big you have grown. I hope that you're gas pains start to subside, because it breaks Mama and Daddy's heart to see you in pain.

You definitely love to be held, especially when I hold you on my chest. You will fall asleep almost anytime someone rocks you. You aren't too fond of your swing, you tolerate it for about 10 minutes and then start fussing to be picked up. You have started to like your bouncer more and more, but like the swing, you have your limit of 10 or 15 minutes. Taking you paci hasn't been a problem, but you insist on someone holding it for you.. Your personality is showing through more and more everyday. Although you haven't smiled at mama or daddy personally, your little laughs and grins in your sleep are what I live for. Andddd, you make the FUNNIEST faces sometimes! You are quite the talker.. in your sleep, after eating, or just sitting, and you always have your "crazy hands" out in front of you, (daddy says you get that from your Mama, who wouldn't be able to talk if her hands were tied..) Going for a ride in the car or even in your stroller does wonders for calming you down, usually you are asleep within minutes. ;)

Speaking of things you get from your Mama and Daddy, you definitely look just like your Daddy! From everything from your adorable dimple chin to your little nose and ears, your Daddy definitely marked you well. Since your daddy and I both have blue eyes, you really don't have a choice in that department, but I think they're shaped like mine.

Please continue to grow strong and healthy, and always know that Mama and Daddy love you with all our hearts!

Love, Mama

Whitley's first Thanksgiving!

Even though we couldnt eat the turkey or the dressing, we still looked pretty darn cute!

Turkey picture try #1: FAIL

Ah, the nunnie fixes everything..

Daddy has making her smile by tickling her cheek..