Thursday, July 23, 2009

24 weeks!

Woohoo for Viability!

Also a huge thanks to my friend Lyndsey who offered up her maternity clothes for me, a major help and nice way to save money!

How far along: 24 weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: I think I am up about 15 lbs, my scale at home keeps giving me incorrect reads, but I will know for sure tomorrow at my 24 week apt
Maternity clothes? yep, and I am so thankful for my friends that lent me theirs!
Stretch marks? my old school ones on my chest are becoming more prominent, but no new ones (that I have seen.. and I do nightly checks!)
Sleep: not so hot.. I wake up every few hours to pee, cant find a comfortable position, and a snoogle is too big to fit in a queen size bed with my husband...
Best moment this week: the reassurance of viability, knowing that we are this much closer to meeting our precious Whitley. oh and hopefully my best friend Rachel will be having her little boy any day now!!!
Movement: all the time, I feel her the most in the afternoons and late at night.
Food cravings: fettucine freakin alfredo! and brownies
Food aversions: none
Gender: GIRL!!!!
Labor Signs: been having a few Braxton Hicks, but its gotten better since I upped my water intake
Belly Button in or out? in, but still getting more and more shallow
What I miss: nothing really for the moment... I am pretty content being big and pregnant.
What I am looking forward to: dr's apt tomorrow, hopefully good news on the glucose screening!
Weekly Wisdom: nothing really..
Milestones: viability and hopefully getting the nursery painting finished over this weekend!


  1. Wow! You popped this week! But you still look fab! GL tomorrow.

  2. You are really the CUTEST preggo ever!!!
